Major Vs Minor Scale
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Compare pictures 1 and 2 above.
Major vs minor scale. Similarly in a major triad or major seventh chord the third is a major third above. Notice how both an e minor em chord and a g major chord fit. The other uses of major and minor generally refer to scales and chords that contain a major third or a minor third respectively.
Major and minor scales are two of the most popular and commonly used scales in western music. The pentatonic scale can function as both major and minor on the guitar. This gives them their major and minor sound qualities.
Major and minor thirds. In major scales half steps appear after the 3 rd and 7 th notes. At this point i need to emphasize the importance of the knowledge of major 3rds and minor 3rds in all the keys.
If the interval between the first and third tone of the scale is a minor third then the scale is a minor scale. In written music relative major and minor keys actually share the same key signature. You can start with e minor pentatonic but the same notes and patterns can also produce g major pentatonic.
When we switched to d minor we now have e f the 2nd and 3rd note close as well as a bb the 5th and 6th note close together. Now we come to the tricky question of what is minor. A major scale is a scale in which the third scale degree the mediant is a major third above the tonic note.
C major and a minor pentatonic use the very same notes and form the very same patterns so the answer to your question is yes. There are multiple ways of going about this. Keep in mind that when you play the scale over a piece of music in the key of c then the scale is not really a minor it s c major.